Late one night a few years ago I decided to start a new page on Facebook called Long Island Wildlife Photography.

Little did I know how many great wildlife photographers would join and start sharing their wealth of knowledge with the rest of us.

The group is also open to beginners as well; it is great to watch people improve with a little experience.

I also met a bunch of great people that I can now call friends.

The group is now around 6500 strong and sharing spectacular images on a daily basis.

I hope you enjoy this weekly feature of 20 or so of the best shots of the week, which frankly is far too few.

Long Island Wildlife supports ethical birding practices and maintains a policy of avoiding specific locations to avoid any undue pressure on nesting or rare species.

I will maintain that same policy here as well.


Grace Scalzo | Ring Necked Gull


Lisa Nadler Reischer | Humpback Whale


Anita Regler | American Wigeon


Brian Doherty | Coopers Hawk


Charlie Spinnato | Cedar Waxwing